Well, WisCon this year was excellent. I intend to write about specific aspects of it more fully in the near future, but this post is more about how I’m doing right now. As my Facebook friends and a couple of people I saw at the Madison airport already know, my homeward travels were anything but smooth.
I was actually pretty pleased with our itinerary. We were taking off at 6, which meant we didn’t have to go barreling out of the hotel and had a direct flight that would get us on the ground by nine, meaning that even with the commute back home to Hagestown we’d be there before midnight with very little in the way of either fuss or muss.
The long version’s not really worth recounting in full here. The short version is that our flight was delayed repeatedly and then canceled, and our choices were to stay overnight somewhere and try again tomorrow, or accept a non-direct flight with a tight connection through another airline that would have us on the ground close to 1 in the morning. Neither choice was ideal, but the first one wasn’t even workable.
We got in the door around 3:30 in the morning, after what had ended up being a longer, more stressful, and more physically demanding day than any of us had banked on.
Based on previous experience, I had planned on today mostly being recovery and reflection, but it’s wound up being more recovery than reflection. There may be more blog posts coming up today, and there may not be. Anything more “worky” is going to have to wait until tomorrow.