STATUS: Thursday, May 7th

The Daily Report

Well, weird thing: I stored my powered down laptop upside down last night, and today I turned it on… I’ve been mainly using it to do things like make the morning rounds of sites I check, since writing has been right out with the wonky keyboard… and mysteriously, the keyboard has become de-wonkified.  I suppose this points to something loose and/or foreign inside, so perhaps it would still be worth having it serviced while it’s within warranty, but I had planned on suffering through it until after WisCon and now maybe there will be less actual suffering involved?

Or it could revert to type at any moment. I’m doing this status post on the laptop, which is part of why it’s coming up so much earlier in the day than they’ve been lately. Not having a decent laptop I can use without a struggle has really put a hole in my day, professionally and creatively. I had gotten used to being able to have my laptop close enough to bed that I wouldn’t be grabbing it when I should be sleeping, but first thing in the morning when I’m full of energy and my brain is buzzing with ideas it would be right there.

If it continues to perform to spec, then maybe I’ll have that again.

The State of the Me

I got to sleep really late last night. First, none other than John Scalzi tweeted a link to the first of my Sad Puppy book reviews, which briefly crashed my server. I was able to compensate. I’ll be paying a bit more at the end of the month, but on the balance I think the exposure is probably worth it. I put off posting Tales of MU until after midnight, though, because both sites use the same resources. Well, sometime during the day, WordPress upgraded itself automatically, only it didn’t finish the clean-up (this might have been bad timing with a crash, I suppose) and I couldn’t get into the admin panel without triggering a redirect loop. So I had to troubleshoot and come up with a solution in the middle of the night. By the time I did, I was wide awake and coasting on adrenaline. It was 3:30 before I could get to sleep.

So while I’m feeling okay and doing good right now, there might be a crash in the afternoon, is what I’m saying.

Plans For Today

People are just starting to notice the second Sad Puppy book review post, and the third one is set to go live within the hour. I’d thought about spacing them out a lot further, like one every week, now I feel like striking while the iron is hot is the way to go. I have one for tomorrow, too, which closes out the week. At the moment I don’t plan on doing any more, though I have gathered some ideas. The thing is, I didn’t plan on doing any of them in the first place. The idea was just there, and I took it.

I’ve said before that I never really wanted to be a pundit or an activist, and I see that kind of thing as a distraction. Humor, though? There was a time in high school when I really thought I’d grow up to be a humorist. I just never found the path. I’m not about to give up on fiction or poetry, obviously, but I might be embracing humor writing more.

I guess that’s less a “plan for today” and more about planning in general. But like I said: I might crash.

STATUS: Wednesday, May 6th

The Daily Report

Well, I’ve finally found a way to feel good about this Sad/Rabid (Sabid?) Puppies mess: satire. Yesterday I wrote three satirical book reviews from the point of view of a sort of generalized Puppy figure. One I posted immediately. The other two I queued up to up today and tomorrow. I don’t have concrete plans for any more at the moment, though I am idly thinking about possibilities, or other things I could do with the character of John Z. Upjohn, USMC (Aspired).

Mainly though, I just feel good. I didn’t ask for a culture war to spill out into the spaces where I hang out and work, but since it did I’ve had a hard time ignoring it and just enjoying what I’m doing. Now I feel like I have a framework for getting back to where I’m enjoying myself. Humor feels like so much of a better response to all of this than harsh invective, however well-founded it might be. There are limits to what we can do, systemically, to counter people acting in bad faith backed by their own biases. There are certainly limits to what debate can accomplish. The best answer we have for absurdity is a mirror.

Expect more blog posts about other things, and less tweeting about Puppy nonsense. I’m not making a hard and fast rule against engaging in all seriousness with puppygator shenanigans. I’m saying that we’re well past the point of diminishing returns on entertaining their nonsense as more than nonsense.

The State of the Me

Feeling good. There’s been some welcome good news in the extended family. There is some illness in our house right now, though I am doing well personally. We’re getting into the time of year when sleep gets trickier becuase of heat/humidity, but I’m on guard against it.

Plans For Today

I’ve got some email business to catch up on, then some random writing, then some Tales of MU.


Yesterday, I made a post that referred to a Facebook post as being by John C. Wright. I have since been informed it may have been by John Ringo, but complicating this matter is the fact that it is no longer available to check (or be read). I have since found other references to it as being Ringo’s, and the link I first followed appears to have been removed, so the balance of probability I have to say lies with the information I acted on being faulty.

I found this post by clicking a link posted by someone who is a supporter of the same political and ideological cause that Wright has been championing in SF/F fandom circles, so I had no reason to doubt that the information accompanying it was correct. Certainly I do not attribute this simple mistake to malice. I also take full responsibility for not having read the by-line of the post, and for having passed this confusion on to others in doing so.

While the larger point of my post—that the self-professed Puppies of various stripes are very free and loose with accusations that require substantial leaps in interpreting facts while trying to hold their critics to a very different standard—remains true, I don’t think the best way to get that point across is to challenge one random person to defend what another random person has said as literally true.

Accordingly, I have removed the post in question. I may in the near future incorporate parts of it into a new post that addresses the topic more generally.


STATUS: Thursday, April 30th

The Daily Report

Bad news: My fairly new laptop has what seems to be an intermittent short in the keyboard. When I type the letter “C”, some of the time it registers multiple keypresses in the same row. I took the keys off and did a fairly deep clean over the weekend when the problem first appeared, and that made things better in that I could make it do it by pressing the C key in a specific way, but regular typing was fine.

Since then, the problem has sort of surged back. I kind of suspect that airborne dust and pollen might be the problem, as the windows in my bedroom don’t exactly have a perfect seal against that sort of thing. I also kind of suspect that the demolition going on has stirred up a lot more crap, as seems like a lot more dust has been coming in. I might have to find a different place to keep it or start storing it in a case or something, because I can’t take the time to deep-clean my keyboard every couple of days.

The State of the Me

Doing okay. A little frustrated by the laptop thing, as I’ve otherwise worked my laptop into my work routine. The point of buying a larger, more expensive laptop was that I was hoping to cut down on the amount of time I lost wrestling with it and increase the amount of time I could just pull it out/open it up and start working.

Plans For Today

Well, my initial plan for the day was to take my laptop to a bookstore and sit down and do some serious writing away from noise and distraction. I’m… not sure what’s happening now?


The Word of the Day: Why Vox Is A Textbook Racist

Last night, I said on Twitter that alleged author/editor Vox Day is a dictionary-definition racist.

Well, this is not actually what I said.

I suggested that if I were to say this based on the things he’d said, it would be labeled as a foul calumny.


But let’s let that go, because as it happens, I do think that Vox is a racist by any meaningful definition of the word. And while I don’t think any dictionary of the English language can be looked upon as an authoritative reference for anything but the most general of reference purposes (for those who find this idea radical or confusing, I’ll explain why this would so in a later post), it is important and notable that he fulfills the dictionary definition of racism because of what usually happens whenever people of conscience try to have a nuanced discussion about race in the public sphere.

What happens, of course, is that someone (usually many someones) pop up to say “BUT THE DICTIONARY SAYS RACISM IS…”

And once someone brings up this point, they cannot be dissuaded. The dictionary is the official repository of the English language, right? It is the alpha and the omega of the language, right? That’s the thinking, and it’s as much an article of faith as anything else. No logical argument in the world can prevail against an article of faith, particularly when the interests of the faithful are at stake.

But the existence of Vox Day really is a precious gift from God in this regard, because it gives us an example of someone whose beliefs—as he himself is perfectly willing to state, again and again—fulfill the dictionary definition of racism, and despite this fact, I have yet to see any of the people who would pop up to raise the dictionary objection willing to acknowledge him as a racist.

This leaves us with two broad possibilities.

  1. The invocation of the dictionary was a ruse from the beginning, an example of shifting goalposts. It doesn’t matter what the definition of racism is, it will always be defined in a way so that no person the objector likes or identifies with can ever be called racist.
  2. The objections were earnest, but some combination of wanting Vox Day’s approval or fearing his wrath is preventing people from acknowledging that by his own standards he is a racist.

What is the dictionary definition of racism?

Well, the standard repository of knowledge for internet arguments is The primary definition given there says:

“A belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.”

Simple enough, yes?

So now we just have to see if Vox Day evinces a doctrine or belief regarding inherent differences among the various human racial groups that determine cultural or individual achievement. Now, you might say “But you’re ignoring the rest of the definition!” No, I’m not. It says usually. This means if we find the first part, the second part will probably follow. But it’s not a requirement. The usually doesn’t have to be satisfied for the definition to apply.

As it happens, I believe we could extrapolate the usually from his words and actions across various blog posts, but as he and his defenders are quick to jump on any extrapolation made by others and label it slander, we’ll stick to his words only, I think.

And I’m going to answer this question first by referring to this blog post, an interview between a blogger identified as John D. Brown and Vox Day.

The first question Brown asks is:

  1. Do you believe Black Africans have, in general, less genetic potential for intelligence than White Europeans?

The answer Day gives is:

  1. Pure Homo sapiens sapiens lack Homo neanderthalus and Homo denisova genes which appear to have modestly increased the base genetic potential for intelligence. These genetic differences may explain the observed IQ gap between various human population groups as well as various differences in average brain weights and skull sizes.

Now, if you were just reading the answer in a vacuum, disconnected from the question, you might be excused for not seeing what’s happening here. The question was about “Black Africans” versus “White Europeans”, testing the common assertion that Day is a white supremacist. The answer he gives wraps this up in his favored scientific theories, but that’s what he’s talking about: Africans and Europeans. Black people and white people. He’s making the assertion that one race, broadly defined, has less potential for intelligence than other races, broadly defined.

Would anyone say this does not constitute a belief that some races have greater potential for achievement than others?

Now, Vox Day would object to it being characterized as a belief. It is settled science, in his mind (which betrays his lack of comprehension of the meaning of the word “science”), and thus incapable of being racist (which betrays his lack of comprehension of the history of science).

But I’ll point out that a belief is not by definition untrue, which means that even if this assertion of his is correct, it still would constitute a belief. So if your only objection to this is “It’s not racist if it’s true!”, we can parse this to mean: “It is racist, I just think racists are right to be racist.”

Barring that spurious ground, is there any way in which this cannot be construed to constitute “a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement”?

Oh, wait! Day himself says elsewhere that intelligence is just one metric, and that of course if you were to pick another metric to judge, we might expect to find that other racial groupings are superior by that measurement. I, uh… I think we should refrain from asking him to spell out exactly what he thinks the Black race are superior at, but I also suspect that if he were to hold forth about the differing superiorities he has observed among the different racial groupings, it would become more and more apparent he was simply putting a scientific gloss on age-old stereotypes the longer he went on.

But that’s speculation, and not at all what I’m resting my case on.

The thing is, even if he does believe that each race is “superior in its own way”, as it were, he makes it painfully, crushingly clear at the drop of a what which “superiorities” he thinks matter most in terms of who should be the dominant over the others: intelligence and what he calls civilization. Let’s use his own words again:

Unlike the white males she excoriates, there is no evidence to be found anywhere on the planet that a society of NK Jemisins is capable of building an advanced civilization, or even successfully maintaining one without significant external support from those white males.  If one considers that it took my English and German ancestors more than one thousand years to become fully civilized after their first contact with advanced Greco-Roman civilization, it should be patently obvious that it is illogical to imagine, let alone insist, that Africans have somehow managed to do the same in less than half the time at a greater geographic distance.

That comes from this post, which has some other choice tidbits. N.K. Jemisin is, of course, a Black author with whom he had a disagreement. The really astonishing thing about this post is that he loves to quote it, this same paragraph in particular, to prove that he’s not racist, that he wasn’t being racist when he described her as being “half-savage”.

Can anyone explain to me how this paragraph is not articulating a belief that the potential for cultural achievement is tied to race? I mean, let’s ignore for the moment the breathtaking historical illiteracy of thinking there was no “civilization” to rival Greece and Rome in Africa, and the other attendant mistakes like reducing “civilization” to a one-dimensional bar graph. Ignore all that.

Is he not talking about racial groups having differing potentials for achievement?

If he is, then we must conclude that he is espousing racism, by the dictionary definition.

We can also consider this post, about immigration, which contains further evidence of how deeply his beliefs in a link between race and intelligence affect his worldview.

And then we have this post, where he misreads a scientific finding to claim that Africans are “less evolved” (which is not an actual thing, in evolutionary science) than Europeans. Again, he may very well believe himself to be factually correct, but are we imagining most racists are walking around thinking “I know that it’s incorrect, but I’m going to keep pretending that racial superiority exists anyway?”

The evidence is clear. Vox Day believes in an updated version of the original pseudoscientific construct of race created by white supremacists to justify slavery and colonialism, and by his own words, he believes that race is intimately tied up with intelligence and civilization, and thus achievement.

Oh, but wait! He also says:

I assert that an unborn female black child with a missing chromosome and an inclination to homosexuality is equal in human value and human dignity and unalienable, God-given rights to a straight white male in the prime of his life and a +4 SD IQ.

Well, he can assert that all he wants. But according to the dictionary, he’s still racist, even if he managed to live up to that. I think the posts I linked to above do a good job of dispelling that illusion. To be honest, he fails to live up to it in the course of that abomination of a sentence, simply by positioning Black, female, and queer as negatives.

That’s a side point, though, and not central to the argument here.

That is, we have a dictionary definition of racism, and we have Vox Day fulfilling that definition.

If we are to go by the dictionary definition, Vox Day is racist.

Do I expect Day to read this post and have a “Wait, I think I’m the baddie” moment and have his heart grow three sizes? Nope. I don’t expect him to feel bad and change his ways, which is what he seems to think is the only point of people discussing racism and other issues. I don’t even expect him to read it, say, “Okay, so I am a racist” before continuing with his awfulness.

To put it simply: I don’t expect Vox Day to be anything except be Vox Day. He is, by his own admission, a rabid dog. For all his glowing talk of civilization, he despises its fruits and has nothing but basest contempt for its roots (communalism, mutualism, a concern for public affairs and the common weal.) There is nothing in him of reason, and thus nothing to reason with. Regardless of what I do or don’t do, say or don’t say, he will continue to set fire to everything around him and then interpret it as an unfair attack when the flames burn him, all the while wondering what happened to those lovely bridges he was using to get around and the crops he was counting on to get him through the winter.

If you want a picture of Vox Day’s future, it’s a man, slamming his own face against the concrete repeatedly while shouting “MOLON LABE!” and labeling the concrete as a savage enemy of civilization.

Fight a man like that?



And above all, why?

No, the reason I have spilled almost 2,000 words and counting in this blog post is simply to demonstrate something, once and for all: if anyone who cites that “BUT THE DICTIONARY SAYS…” nonsense will not acknowledge that Vox Day is racist, we can dispense forever with the idea that they are arguing in good faith.

They were either disingenuous from the beginning, or are a moral coward, or are acting in self-interest to protect an ally.


Hello world!

Welcome to my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

I follow a pretty simple policy when it comes to online discussions, and that is: if you can read this, you probably have the means of acquiring your own blog. Therefore, it is in no way incumbent on me to provide you with a platform here on mine. If you are here reading my blog, I think we can assume you are interested in what I have to say. This does not oblige me to listen to what you have to say. If that sounds arrogant, consider the sheer, mind-boggling number of people whose voices you aren’t seeking out at this very moment.

In other words: commenting here is not a right, but a privilege. Comments will be enabled or not on individual posts as I see fit. I intend to keep this blog as low maintenance as I can, so that I can have an outlet for my thoughts that doesn’t distract me too much from other things. This means I’ll tend to apply the most direct rather than the most judicious solution to moderation problems. Play nice and obey all posted instructions.

If you don’t like that, go write a blog about it.